Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use


The website www.fwb.com.cy is a catalogue showcasing the range of products that the company can import and an e-shop selling products and services through the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the e-shop or website or online store). The website www.fwb.com.cy has been created and is operated by the FWB.LTD (the “Company”), which has its address at: 8, Theofilou Georgiades Str. 2325, Lakatamia, Nicosia, Cyprus, with the contact email address info@fwb.com.cy and the telephone service line at +357 22 777751 (hereinafter referred to as or FWB).

The following terms and conditions shall be applicable for the use of the website with name FLOOR WALL BATHROOM which is positioned on URL www.fwb.com.cy. Each user who visits and trades or makes use of the services of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “visitor” or “user” or “customer” for short, depending on whether he is limited to visiting the website alone or ordering and selling products and services) is deemed to consent and unconditionally accept the following terms expressed herein, without exception. If a user does not agree with these terms, then he/she must refrain from visiting, using the website, as well as from proceeding with any transaction or use of the services of the online store.

General terms

FLOOR WALL BATHROOM reserves the right to amend or revise these terms and conditions of use and of transactions related to the online store, whenever it is deemed necessary. It undertakes to inform consumers of any changes through the web pages of the online store. The ultimate goal of FLOOR WALL BATHROOM is to serve the clients and customers as best as we can. This website allows both customers and all internet users to be immediately informed about products offered by our company, as well as to make online purchases.

Information provided and Products

FLOOR WALL BATHROOM is committed to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the information provided in the online store, in terms of the identity of the COMPANY as well as the transactions through the online store. Within the framework of good faith, the company is not responsible and is not bound by entries of information/data made by mistake or in error and is entitled to correct such whenever their existence is discovered.

Limitation of liability

In the context of its transactions via the online store, FLOOR WALL BATHROOM is not responsible and is not liable for any damages or damages resulting from the cancellation of orders, from non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the product(s) displayed on the online store, but it informs visitors based on the data kept regarding availability or non-availability and undertakes – in case of changes of these data – to inform the customer(s) in time about non-availability and bears no further responsibility. The online store provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, illustrations), its products and services which are available through the website on an “as is” basis. Under no circumstances shall the COMPANY be held civil or criminally liable for any damage (positive, special or derogatory, which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and/or cumulative of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that may occur to any visitor of the online store or a third party for a reason related to the operation or not and/or use of the website and/or inability to provide services and/or products and/or information available from the e-store and/or from any non- allowed third party interventions in products and/or services and/or information available through the e-store.

Risk transfer

In contracts where the supplier sends the products to the consumer, the risk of loss or damage of the goods is transferred to the consumer, when he/she or any other third party who is defined by the consumer and is different from the delivery carrier has acquired the physical possession of the product(s).

However, the risk is transferred to the consumer if he/she grants it to the delivery carrier, if the delivery carrier has been instructed by the consumer to transport the product(s) and that option was not offered by the supplier, subject to the consumer’s rights towards the delivery carrier.


All content of the online store, including pdf files, trademarks, badges, images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Republic of Cyprus law, European law and international conventions or the intellectual property of third parties for which the Company has received a license for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the online store. Coping, transfer or creation of derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the actual provider of the online store is prohibited. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcing, disseminating or transmitting any other use of the content in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the Company or any other copyright holder. The pdf files, names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and described in the FLOOR WALL BATHROOM or the products or services of the Company or third parties are assets of the Company or the third parties respectively and are protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use in the online store does not in any way provide permission or right of use by third parties, unless agreed with the Company.

User Responsibility

The user/customer agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the online store as provided and in accordance with the rules of good faith and transactional ethics. He/She must not use the online store with the brand name FLOOR WALL BATHROOM for:

  1. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting other any other ways of any content that is:
  2. content that is illegal for any reason, causes infringement and damage to the COMPANY or to any third-party or infringes the confidentiality or the confidentiality of any personal information,
  3. content that offends users, morals, social values, minorities etc.
  4. content which users do not have the right of transmission according to the law or contracts or agreements which are valid (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements).
  5. content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other property information of any third-party of any kind.
  6. material which contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, cause damage, destroy or equip the operation of any software or computer hardware.
  7. Intentional or unintentional violation of applicable laws or regulations.
  8. Collecting or storing personal information regarding any other users.

Limitation of Liability

FLOOR WALL BATHROOM, under the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right of access, use and presentation of this website and its contents. This license does not constitute by any means a title transfer to the website and its data and is subject to the following restrictions:

(1) you must retain all copies of the website and its information, all copyright notes and other proprietary notices and

(2) you may not modify the website and its information in any way or reproduce or present it publicly, or distribute it or otherwise use the website and its data for any public or commercial purpose, unless otherwise permitted herein.

Links on the website www.fwb.com.cy

The links which are included on the electronic commerce website in majority lead to pages of the collection or e-store areas or in some cases may send the user to third-party, other company, etc. websites not handled by the e-store. These websites/web pages are beyond the Company control and the Company does cannot be held responsible for the content of any such websites/webpages or any link which is included in on of these websites/webpages, or any changes or updates of such website/webpages. The Company is not responsible for the information broadcasted on the internet or for any form of transmission received from any linked website/webpage. The Company offers these links on the e-store only for ease of use of the e-store, their use (click) is not mandatory for any visitor/client and the fact that such links are notes on the website does not mean that the Company approves or accepts their content.


The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is currently the global standard on the Internet for certifying websites for web users and for encrypting data between web users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires all information sent between a client and a server to be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information during transfer. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically verifies if the data has been changed during the transfer.

The SSL certificate for www.fwb.com.cy has been issued by a certification company.

In addition, personal security is the password which you use when you become a registered user of www.fwb.com.cy. In order to present any of your personal information, the username and password must first be given. For this reason, you need to take good care of your login credentials to minimize the risk of unauthorized usage by third parties. We also advise you to create a strong password using symbols along with alphanumeric characters.

The credit card details are not stored in any company’s storage media during the transaction but are entered directly into the secure environment of the payment gateway (JCC) that has undertaken the routing of the cards.

All transactions made through www.fwb.com.cy are governed by International and European law, which regulates matters relating to electronic commerce, as well as the Consumer Protection Act, which regulates matters relating to distance sales.


The online store www.fwb.com.cy accepts card payments The online store utilizes local payment gateway JCC which accepts cards issued by VISA International, Mastercard International and Diner’s Club International.

Last text update Terms of Use: 15/06/2021